Mars Institute
Global Research Internship Program
The Mars Institute's Global Research Internship Program (MI-GRIP) is a selective research internship opportunity established to engage academically outstanding undergraduate and graduate students of any origin or nationality around the world in new and cutting edge planetary science and exploration research that will help advance the science, exploration, and public understanding of Mars, for the benefit of all.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the time of submission of their application, be able to read, write, and speak English proficiently, and be actively enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students in an accredited academic institution.
The Mars Institute Global Research Internship Program accepts applications year-round.
Applying to the MI-GRIP is a two-step process.
In Step 1, an applicant to the MI-GRIP must submit the following two documents as attachments to a single email addressed to, with “MI-GRIP: Name of Applicant” in the subject line:
a) A Curriculum Vitae (1 page max) providing the applicant’s full name and contact information (phone and email) and summarizing the applicant’s current academic position, education history, relevant professional experience, special skills and achievements (if any), and publications (if any). Social security numbers, passport numbers, or any other confidential personal information should NOT be included.
b) A Letter explaining why he/she is interested in a research internship in the MI-GRIP (200 words max).
In Step-2, successful applicants to Step-1 are invited to a Phone Interview with a prospective Mars Institute Internship Advisor. The goal of the interview is to determine if a good match can be found between the applicant, a research project of merit, and available resources, including schedule and time. Only successful applicants to Step-2 will be offered an internship in the MI-GRIP.
Step-1 applications are normally reviewed within 30 days of submission. Successful applicants following Step-1 are notified by email. Successful applicants following Step-2 receive an official Letter of Admission by email. Due to the large number of applicants, declined applications following either Step-1 or Step-2 may not receive any notification.
The General Rules governing the participation of student interns admitted to the MI-GRIP program can be found here.